Working Group 3: Data Exploration – Cal/Val, Fusion and Assimilation (L3-L4)
- Laura Frulla (CONAE)
- Carlos Lopez (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)
- Danilo Dadamia (CONAE)
At the second workshop, WG-3 explored the following questions:
- What initiatives are ongoing to collect regional or global data sets of field measurements of bio- and geo-physical parameters relevant to possible SAR science products?
- What measures are being collected? How are they being collected and who is collecting them?
- What are the challenges in making these field data accessible to the broad research community? For example data consistency/QC, IP restrictions/protecting graduate student research, metadata requirements.
- Are there existing data portals that can be leveraged to gather these global/regional validation data sets and make them accessible?
- How can space agencies and missions promote joint SAR cal/val activities?
The recommendations following the workshop include:
- Coordination agreements between space agencies should include the collation and provision of regional and global bio- and geo-physical in situ data relevant to SAR science products
- Space agencies should provide long-term support for installation and maintenance of SAR image calibration arrays
- Multi-sensor and multi-agency calibration campaigns should be coordinated over the same natural and artificial target sites
- Free and open sharing of all calibration/validation data and results should be provided through a single, reliable, and long-term data archive
- The community should foster validation of high-level image products
- The use of cloud platforms should be promoted to facilitate research and development of data assimilation and data fusion